
What is global warming?

Global warming is a critical issue that demands our immediate attention. It refers to the gradual increase in Earth's average surface temperature, primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect that traps heat and leads to a rise in temperatures. This phenomenon poses severe threats to our planet. Rising sea levels, intensified heatwaves, altered precipitation patterns, and disruptions to ecosystems are just a few consequences of global warming. The urgency to address this issue lies in the tangible and alarming impacts we witness – from melting ice caps to devastating wildfires.

Global warming extends its ominous reach beyond environmental impacts, significantly affecting people's health and livelihoods. The rise in temperatures intensifies heatwaves, exposing vulnerable populations to heat-related illnesses and putting a strain on healthcare systems. Elderly individuals and those with pre-existing health conditions are particularly susceptible, facing increased risks of heat stress and cardiovascular problems.

The social and economic fabric of communities is intricately woven into the environmental landscape. Disruptions caused by global warming, from extreme weather events to changing disease patterns, have profound implications for people's lives and well-being. The urgency to address global warming is not just about protecting the planet; it is a critical endeavor to safeguard the health, resilience, and livelihoods of communities worldwide. Passionate action is not only a moral imperative but a necessity to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for all.

Our Purpose

With climate change, the Earth is getting hotter. The extreme heat has impacted many outdoor workers and laborers. The mission of our non-profit organization is to raise awareness of climate change, especially the severe heat's impacts on workplace risk, marginalized communities, and the economy. Through education and advocacy, we will mitigate the effects of climate change on the Earth and help create a sustainable environment. Recognizing the profound impact that extreme heat can have on an individual’s health, livelihood, and overall well-being, we envisioned a non-profit organization specifically tailored to address these challenges. This initiative will focus on raising awareness about the risks associated with working in high temperatures and implementing practical solutions. We would like to engage in research to better understand the specific needs of various industries and demographics affected by heat-related issues. By gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by outdoor workers, we can tailor our initiatives to address their unique circumstances. Overall, our non-profit organization seeks to create lasting impact by combining awareness-building with practical solutions. Through research-informed programs, we aspire to contribute towards a safer and healthier working environment for those who brave extreme temperatures in their daily labor. This commitment reflects our belief in the transformative power of collective action to address pressing societal issues.